Here you will find all the family news, updated monthly.
Check back often.
First of all, let me apologize for not updating this website in the last four months. I have been extremely busy, and frankly, have not heard from many of you, thus have no news to put up here by my own. Please send me email of any new events in your families. I apologize if you have sent email that is not included here, my life has been extremely hectic between student teaching and lesson plans, my son, and 6 websites to maintain.
CONGRATULATIONS! Pvt. Joshua Day was chosen in January to serve on the president's Honor Guard in Washington D.C. He will be serving his 3 year tour there and cannot be called to war because of this prestigious position. He will be serving as a driver and guard to some of Washington's top officials, maybe even President Bush, himself. This is a very important position and only those who military profile go above and beyond. The Honor Guard represents the elite soldiers of the nation, from all branches of the service. Click here for a link to the Honor Guard Website for more reading on the Honor Guard.
Joshua and Roshelle took the long trek to Washington, D.C. at the end of March, by bus, no less. They spent 3 days and 14 hours traveling on many buses before arriving at Ft. Meyers. After a rough start, they are now doing well. They have a 3-bedroom apartment (base housing) and are just beginning to try and furnish it. As of now, the only things they have in their first home are a TV, a Playstation 2, and an airbed (all the necessities, right). Roshelle has begun working at the PX in the clothing department and loves her job, as well as working to obtain her G.E.D. Josh has finished a 3-week training seminar and now is full-time into his duties as a Guard. We will have pictures soon of his dress blues, white gloves and all.
Debi made the Dean's Honor Roll for the Winter 2002 term, with a 4.0 G.P.A. She will be graduating (yes, once again) on June 15th, 2002 (her birthday) with her initial teaching license in Language Arts. She has been doing her student teaching at an alternative school, with an enrollment of 45 students. Her typical class size is 6 students. She is teaching English 9, Web Design, and World History. So far, doing fantastic.
Linda is home with some sort of illness we are not sure of yet. She probably will not be returning to work this year. She will be seeing the neurologist in May and we hope to find out more what the problem is. Lloyd and Linda got a new adorable puppy, named Hobbs (after the Invisible Man Television show). Apparently, Hobbs is already part of the family and as boisterous and any puppy could be.
Amy Johnson has checked herself into a drug/alcohol rehabilitation facility. She and Owen are doing well and we hope to hear that she is home soon. Our heartfelt love and warmth go out to her in this trying time. Keep the faith dearheart!
I do apologize for not updating sooner. Busy with schoolwork. I am in my second term in the teaching program. This typically includes 9 classes (2 online) and 2 1/2 hours per day of student teaching. It doesn't leave a lot of room for anything else. Next term, student teaching. This term my classroom placement is in an alternative school for "at risk" youth who have somehow failed the regular school system, either through behavioral problems or academically. There are 45 students total, many of the "special needs" kids. So far, it is definitely challenging, yet rewarding.
Joshua graduated Basic Training on January 24th. He is SO glad to be done with that part, although he said it was "a piece of cake." Now he is in training for his skill, which is driving military vehicles (everything from HumVees to 32-wheelers). He will be in MO for 5 more weeks. He then comes home for 14 days to do hometown recruiting. At the end of March he and Roshelle will be taking off on their 3-year tour of Germany. He is doing quite well and planning to start his academic education, as well.
Roshelle flew out to MO for Josh's graduation. She was only supposed to be going for two days. It was her first time flying and she had a horrible time getting there. She left Redmond at 5:15am for Portland. She had her purse and one carry-on bag. Once she got to Portland, she had only 20 min. to get to the next gate and through security. Once through security, they told her her carryon bag was 1" too big. She had to go back to the ticket terminal to check in the bag, which caused her to miss her flight. They rerouted her to Dallas, where she had 30 min to get to the other end of the airport and check in. At this point, we had no idea where she was, only knew that she had missed her flight, so we spent the entire day worrying about her safety. She was supposed to have arrived in Ft. Leonard Wood by 1:30pm in order to get to the banquet at 4pm. She flew from Dallas to St. Louis, where she was notified that she had missed the last plane going to Ft. Leonard Wood for the day. She had to take the bus (which is a 2 1/2 hour ride) and that bus ended up being an hour late. Once getting into the bus terminal at Ft. Leonard Wood, she called a cab and went straight to the base to see Josh before his curfew of 11pm. But they could not find his building so she went to the hotel. She arrived at the hotel at about 10:45pm, where she found that her husband had gone to the room ahead of her, paid for it, hid out with two teddy bears and a dozen roses to ease the pain of her travels. But since he was due back at the base, they only got to say hello and good-bye as they passed in their cabs. The next day she was able to get to the graduation, and ended up staying in MO for 4 days as Josh had a 3-day pass. When I picked her up at the airport Sunday night, her first comment was, "I am soooo glad to be home! I don't think I like flying." What an ordeal!
Stefan is now doing 5th grade reading work and nearly 3rd grade math. He has grown over an entire grade level in 6 months. He is now being considered for the TAG program, which is for gifted students. Pretty impressive. He reads at a rate of 189 words per minute with only 1 error. He must have the Johnson blood!!
Matthew went home on Dec. 19th for a month. He then returns to Temple University to continue his studies towards a degree in Psychology. Chris, Janine, Elizabeth and Matt all had a very wonderful Christmas. He completed his Basic Training and extra training in Radar in Ft. Sill, OK. He's done an excellent job! Everyone is proud of him! Congrats, Matt!
We would like to congratulate Cali on her marriage in September. To see photos, click here.
Joshua Day was made squad leader in his second week of basic training. He is hoarse from yelling orders already! He loves Basic and says it isn't that hard. They just finished the gas mask training and he said it really burned his eyes and throat! (haha) He really loves shooting the rifle and we think he will have a sharpshooter medal. He only gets two weeks leave at Christmas time and then no more leave before going to Germany. We are all thrilled he is doing so well in the military.
Debra finished her first term in the teaching program with straight A's. She taught this term at the middle school near her home. The kids loved her so much, they were despondent that she was going to be at the high school for winter term. But she will return to them in the spring for her student teaching. Her students rated her a 6 on a scale of 1-5!
*No other news to report at this time, as I have not heard from anyone!! Please email me with your family news so I can put it up here. This website will only work if we all contribute to it.
Matthew Johnson graduated from basic training on Oct. 4, 2001. He is now in holding waiting for his AIT (training) to begin. Please write and let him know how much you appreciate his serving his country. It helps them from being lonely.
Joshua Day is in MO now. He is also in holding, after processing, waiting for a unit to open up for basic training. "Mom, flying sucks!" He spent 8 hours on a plane to get to MO, with a layover in Chicago's O'Hare airport. Ha! He said he only likes the landing part where you go really fast. He will graduate tentatively on Dec. 19th, then fly home for Christmas, before going back for his AIT.
Debi is thust into her teacher training with full force. She has 9 classes and over a dozen textbooks. She is teaching now 8th grade Language Arts in the middle school. "I've decided that middle school is where I belong. The kids are still young enough to believe you have something to teach them."
Paul received a letter from Stacy, which I will post here:
Hi there--
As I recall, it was your birthday this month as well. I got you a card in
late September, but somehow never managed to put in the mail, which is
fairly typical of my life right now. Things are a bit crazy here. I live in
a military zone, with barricades all around me, and policeman 24-7. Most of
Manhattan is open, whereas my area, being so close to the UN and on the
list of possible targets seems to be slow at getting back to normal.
Whatever normal is in the current state of affairs. The Governor's office
tested positive for Anthrax yesterday, and that is 3 blocks from my house
and office. I, myself, have a renewed sense of purpose through my work, but
am finding a better balance, as I figure that life is too short -- I've
always said that, but never have I felt it so acutely.
I'm glad that Cali is happy. When she told me she was getting married, I
was a bit surprised, but see seemed like she had thought it through. I had
Driscoll strawberries yesterday which were delicious, and thought of you.
Glad to know things are looking up.
Whenever you decide to come to NY, just let me know. You are welcome to
stay at my place if you want, although it's a one-room studio, so it's
REALLY small. I have a pull out sofa though, so you'd have a place to
sleep, or the UN Plaza hotel is two blocks away and the Millennium Hotel at
UN Plaza is literally on the same block. The only time that will probably
be bad is Christmas, as I will probably be in So. Cal. if Mom has here way,
and New Years, as I will probably go away, but any other time is fine. Keep
in mind though that you'll need really warm clothes from December through
about March. It gets progressively colder as you get closer to February,
and then it can drop to the 10's and 20's with the windchill. Just let me
know when you think you might come and I'll work around your schedule.
Not much other news. Take care, and be safe. Tell everyone I said hello.
Pardon the slow updates. Time seems to be getting away from me.
Matthew is graduating from boot camp on Oct. 4th, 2001 at Ft. Sill, OK. Chris and Janine will fly out to visit with him. We sure appreciate his loyalty to our country as well as his dedication.
Joshua is entering boot camp on Oct. 4th at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO. He will spend 15 weeks in MO before leaving for Germany. We are so proud of him and his willingness to serve his country, especially in this time of uncertainty.
I talked with Stacey on AOL a few days back. She is doing ok, but still in shock. From where she is staying, she can hear the noised of trucks, ambulances and rescue crews working. She still has some friends she has not heard from. We are all thankful that she is safe. Please let her know she is in your prayers, as she needs our support right now.
Lloyd and Linda went up to Debi's for the weekend to spend some time with Joshua before he leaves for boot camp. They had a nice visit, and Joshua turned 20 on Saturday, so there was, of course, a party. Then on Sunday, they traveled to Coos Bay to visit with Barry for a day, before making the long journey back to Sacramento.
Debi has started in the teaching program. It is extensive work, as well as student teaching in her field of Language Arts. There is some difficulty now with her financial aid, which may hamper the school year for her. Anyone willing to donate to the "starving student" fund? (hehe)
Debi has a new boyfriend, which Lloyd and Linda were able to meet this weekend. His name is Nate Schmit. They have been friends for over 7 years. He and Debi have now been together for 2 months. She is planning to move into his house in Bend next summer after she graduates, maybe sooner. To see a pic, go to the photos page.
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